Saturday, 1 March 2014

First Task

Best Creative Work

This is one of several hollow wooden surfboards I have made as hobby. The construction mimics that of an airplane wing; the majority of the form and shape is pre-designed using a CAD program which gives you a template which is used to construct an internal skeletal structure. This framework is then encased in a thin layer of timber and water proofed using fiber glass and epoxy resin resulting in a light weight, incredibly strong structure that is still a performance board.
This particular board plays on the name of the surfboard style 'fish' by extending the fish tail using the contrasting inlaid timber.

Great Piece of Architecture

Grounds House - Sir Roy Burman Grounds 1954
I found it difficult to source a single image that shows the over all structure of this house that Sir Roy Grounds designed for his own family but I feel this captures the blend between linear and curved form that makes the building so great. I have always struggled myself to find a harmony between curves and straight lines but Grounds does it with ease using the elemental forms of a perfect circle within a perfect square.

Original Photograph

I shot this during one of my first flying lessons. Apart from the obvious display of beauty by nature, this is also has an incredibly personal level of beauty to me as it is looking out over my own home town. Seeing the place you have grown up in from such a completely different perspective is mind blowing, you always think you are familiar with something but then you realise there is so much more to see, learn and do.

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